
(360) 572-3176


Open Hours

10:00 am to 9 pm - 7 days a week

The Benefits of Chinese Massage

Chinese massage aims to promote healing, both physically and mentally.
This type of massage therapy may help remove layers of emotional stress, as well as help to break down scar tissue, increase range of motion, and reduce pain.

Other benefits of Chinese-style massage therapy can include:
– Renewed energy and strength,
– Diminished lower back pain and sciatica,
– Better cardiovascular flow,
– Lowered hypertension (blood pressure),
– Opened  shoulders,
– Relieved rheumatoid arthritis symptoms,
– Increased immunity,
– Better sleep,
– Healthier organ function,
– Positive hormone release,
– Improved respiration and circulation,
– Released lactic acid buildups for decreased soreness in muscles,
and Accelerated recovery from injury and surgical procedures.
