
(360) 572-3176


Open Hours

10:00 am to 9 pm - 7 days a week

We’ve always taken cleanliness very seriously, wiping down all surfaces and changing linens after each customer – but we’ve taken the next step for your health and safety: U.V. Light.

The sun puts out three different types of ultraviolet light: UVA light, UVB light and UVC light. The first two are let into the atmosphere in various intensities and are what cause wrinkles, sunburns, etc. UVC light is almost completely absorbed by the earth’s ozone layer, so it’s generally the one that people are less familiar with – but it’s powerful none the less. 


It was discovered in the late 1800s that UVC light can actually be used as a UV light sanitizer with the ability to kill up to 99.9% of germs. The technology was put to use in the early 1900s in Europe for water purification and is still used today.

Without getting too technical, a UVC light sanitizer acts by penetrating the thin wall of a small microscopic organism and destroying its nucleic acids. This disrupts the DNA structure and either kills it or renders it unable to reproduce – and therefore harmless. As a result, the use of UVC light to sanitize and kill germs has many applications – and which we are using to sterilize each room after each customer.
