
(360) 572-3176


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10:00 am to 9 pm - 7 days a week

Rong’s massage offers Ashiatsu Massage for Stanwood Camano residents. Ashiatsu will not only be a new experience, which also helps those who need a balance in the mind, body, and soul. Stanwood and Camano Island residents will find our massage is perfect for creating balance.

Ashiatsu vs deep massage

Deep tissue massage involves the hands, wrists, and elbows. Ashiatsu also allows the practitioner to use their weight with their feet, which allows for a deeper rub, working into the fascia. This massage is like a large hand massaging your back. As a result, The effects can last longer than other massages too. But the deep penetration really relaxes all the muscles.

A “Shiatsu” massage vs “Ashiatsu” massage

Ashiatsu is a Japanese word, which means foot pressure. But Ashi means foot, and atsu meaning pressure.” Shi means finger, so a shiatsu would translate as “finger pressure”.

Where did Ashiatsu come from?

This massage has been around a long time!

Ashiatsu has been practiced for over 2,000 years, sourcing in India. It’s the combination of Japanese massage and the traditional knowledge of barefoot massage. As a result of this combo, we have modern massage.

Benefits of Massage

Massages can help spinal posture.

Slouching or sitting at a desk all day can be bad. Bad habits like this can shape and change how your body forms, and bad posture can slowly push out and misalign joints.

Massage relaxes the muscle and relieves pressure points. An Ashiatsu can relax those muscles and pressure points, allowing your body to settle and align more naturally. Here’s just a few more benefits:

-More mobility

-Reduced physical stress

-No residual soreness

-Effects last longer

-Improves flexibility

-Reduces chronic pain

Learn more about the benefits here: 6 Benefits of Ashiatsu Barefoot Massage – The Barefoot Masters

Ashiatsu is just one of the many techniques used at Rongs Massage and Spa. We have a full service spa, including infrared sauna, vichy shower table, cupping therapy, and more.

Click here to learn more: Our Services – Rong’s Massage and Spa (

ASHIATSU | 2020 (

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